Madonia Holiday

Cefalù: Visit to the Cathedral Towers

Cefalù is a charming village located a short distance from Palermo. Known worldwide for its stunning sea, few are aware that it hosts one of the Italian sites included in the UNESCO World Heritage list. The Cathedral of Cefalù is one of the nine monuments that bear witness to the influence of Western, Byzantine, and Islamic culture during the Norman Kingdom in the 12th century.

The Cathedral of Cefalù is open to the public, and we recommend a comprehensive visit to the Cathedral Towers to appreciate it from different angles. Located in the main square, almost at the end of the village, the Cathedral stands out for the beauty of its facade and the two imposing square towers on its sides, giving it the typical appearance of a fortress.

Commissioned by King Roger II in 1131, the Cathedral underwent various modifications over the centuries; for example, the staircase was only built in 1851. Inside, magnificent mosaics created by Byzantine masters during the reigns of Roger II and William I can be admired. In particular, the Christ Pantocrator is not to be missed, which can be fully appreciated only during a guided tour. This representation of Christ is also present in the Cathedral of Monreale and the Palatine Chapel inside the Norman Palace in Palermo, two other sites recognized as UNESCO World Heritage.

In the North Tower, traces of other mosaics can be observed, and once at the top, you can enjoy a splendid view of the Sicilian village. In the South Tower, you can walk on the roofs of the south nave to reach a panoramic terrace overlooking the Rock.

Descending from the cathedral roofs, you’ll find the Sacristy and the Treasury, where sacred vestments, liturgical furnishings, and the Reliquary of the Cross containing the Holy Wood are preserved. Finally, there is the Canonical Cloister, where you can admire the original south and west corridors with elegant pointed arches resting on columns and decorated capitals.

Various itineraries are available:

  • Red Itinerary: This is the most comprehensive route, allowing you to visit all parts of the Cathedral of Cefalù, offering a 360-degree view. This itinerary lasts about 50 minutes, and the ticket cost is €10.
  • Blue Itinerary: It includes a visit to the Towers, Roofs, and Mosaics at a lower cost, €7.
  • Green Itinerary: It includes the Sacristy, Treasury, Sansoni Hall, Episcopal Chapel, and Canonical Cloister; the ticket cost for this itinerary is only €6.

The Cathedral is open from November to March from 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM and from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM, and in other months from 8:00 AM to 7:00 PM.

For more information, you can visit the website:, where you can purchase tickets online.